zaki work log


Eclipse Che (6.19.0) のお試し実行

コンテナ環境で動作するEclipse Cheお試し


現在はver7がつい最近リリースされている。 ただ、ver7はドキュメントを見る限り、dockerコマンド単体でなくchectlを別途用意してそこから動かすっぽい(あと、見た感じだとオーケストレーション環境寄りになってるかも)


実行するコマンドはこれ docker run -it --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v <path>:/data eclipse/che:6.19.0 start


zaki@stilton:~$ cat /etc/lsb-release 
zaki@stilton:~$ sudo docker version
 Version:           18.09.7
 API version:       1.39
 Go version:        go1.10.1
 Git commit:        2d0083d
 Built:             Fri Aug 16 14:20:06 2019
 OS/Arch:           linux/amd64
 Experimental:      false

  Version:          18.09.7
  API version:      1.39 (minimum version 1.12)
  Go version:       go1.10.1
  Git commit:       2d0083d
  Built:            Mon Jul  1 19:31:12 2019
  OS/Arch:          linux/amd64
  Experimental:     false


zaki@stilton:~$ mkdir -p local/che


zaki@stilton:~$ sudo docker pull eclipse/che:6.19.0
6.19.0: Pulling from eclipse/che
d6a5679aa3cf: Pull complete 
cc87d3e420c3: Pull complete 
afef80a99ec8: Pull complete 
d4be2f254bed: Pull complete 
3e449e5a7821: Pull complete 
5b621c46cfe0: Pull complete 
8f6cbdec47a1: Pull complete 
3c3ba722c6c9: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:ccf3500e7896f4ffb017914a1fcb606f70a9f2c85627bc446bd1106c99424613
Status: Downloaded newer image for eclipse/che:6.19.0


sudo docker run -it --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v ~/local/che:/data -p 8000:8080 eclipse/che:6.19.0 start リモートのVMで動かすので、-pつける。あとtomcatも飼ってたりするので8080でなく8000で。

ホストのdocker.sockを共有するようにして実行するのがちょっと気持ち悪いけどドキュメントがそうなっているのでとりあえずそれで実行。 (ちなみにこれは実行した感じだと、コンテナ内から追加のイメージpullが必要だから、、、だと思われ)

zaki@stilton:~$ sudo docker run -it --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v ~/local/che:/data -p 8000:8080 eclipse/che:6.19.0 start
WARNING: No swap limit support
INFO: (che cli): Pulling image alpine:3.4
INFO: (che cli): Pulling image eclipse/che-ip:6.19.0
INFO: (che cli): 6.19.0 - using docker 18.09.7 / native
WARN: Newer version 'rc' available
INFO: (che download): Checking for image 'eclipse/che-init:6.19.0'... not found
INFO: (che download): Pulling image eclipse/che-init:6.19.0

6.19.0: Pulling from eclipse/che-init
e110a4a17941: Pull complete 
c6be0cda3022: Pull complete 
b883875a9222: Pull complete 
d7e1053f3043: Pull complete 
be7eeaaf0b9d: Pull complete 
df35a7b3f7c3: Pull complete 
155bcd0853b5: Pull complete 
46de6a69ae93: Pull complete 
92cadf9b3cd4: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:df6d1b1b5317d529d1a6583dbfc883177d19ef22e4587e6560aea3840f310528
Status: Downloaded newer image for eclipse/che-init:6.19.0

INFO: (che download): Checking for image 'eclipse/che-server:6.19.0'... not found
INFO: (che download): Pulling image eclipse/che-server:6.19.0

6.19.0: Pulling from eclipse/che-server
6c40cc604d8e: Pull complete 
e78b80385239: Pull complete 
47317d99e629: Pull complete 
8c18271a5e4b: Pull complete 
7ec778dc4b27: Pull complete 
efb7ff1f23b8: Pull complete 
658b2052a4e5: Pull complete 
bf93d30a3bd4: Pull complete 
1760bee015bd: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:7425a578409bfd629325e34eb066149d4cced0a4cff17d2b0039185c8e3986af
Status: Downloaded newer image for eclipse/che-server:6.19.0

INFO: (che download): Checking for image 'docker/compose:1.10.1'... not found
INFO: (che download): Pulling image docker/compose:1.10.1

1.10.1: Pulling from docker/compose
b7f33cc0b48e: Pull complete 
6eee752e5396: Pull complete 
47fa9819d17a: Pull complete 
02a3db631487: Pull complete 
938bc1eb66ad: Pull complete 
5f279040b7cf: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:6e539fca9f205dc80311260f8cad4397a5d5d0c2ece758792cdbb0ca46432d88
Status: Downloaded newer image for docker/compose:1.10.1

INFO: (che download): Checking for image 'eclipse/che-action:6.19.0'... not found
INFO: (che download): Pulling image eclipse/che-action:6.19.0

6.19.0: Pulling from eclipse/che-action
d6a5679aa3cf: Already exists 
03f9c43ecc5e: Pull complete 
9ff8e0f873b8: Pull complete 
dcabc22d3a99: Pull complete 
0270e3305fbb: Pull complete 
5cfd313049fc: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:45604191b0e68a0867aa7915dc2b5fe97556eaa274c93c73914fd5ad4f017a37
Status: Downloaded newer image for eclipse/che-action:6.19.0

INFO: (che download): Checking for image 'eclipse/che-dir:6.19.0'... not found
INFO: (che download): Pulling image eclipse/che-dir:6.19.0

6.19.0: Pulling from eclipse/che-dir
d6a5679aa3cf: Already exists 
03f9c43ecc5e: Already exists 
9ff8e0f873b8: Already exists 
dcabc22d3a99: Already exists 
0270e3305fbb: Already exists 
5cfd313049fc: Already exists 
Digest: sha256:281a6728cfbacf066e928a0f3f89617486a128eb65b01e8a76be7528f0938c25
Status: Downloaded newer image for eclipse/che-dir:6.19.0

INFO: (che download): Checking for image 'eclipse/che-test:6.19.0'... not found
INFO: (che download): Pulling image eclipse/che-test:6.19.0

6.19.0: Pulling from eclipse/che-test
d6a5679aa3cf: Already exists 
03f9c43ecc5e: Already exists 
9ff8e0f873b8: Already exists 
dcabc22d3a99: Already exists 
0270e3305fbb: Already exists 
5cfd313049fc: Already exists 
Digest: sha256:21f0f795d59841885dcb8f74e0ab9b012fb06c38ad353cc4f7ac9fdc45415ff6
Status: Downloaded newer image for eclipse/che-test:6.19.0

INFO: (che download): Checking for image 'eclipse/che-mount:6.19.0'... not found
INFO: (che download): Pulling image eclipse/che-mount:6.19.0

6.19.0: Pulling from eclipse/che-mount
d6a5679aa3cf: Already exists 
e99e0cb14db3: Pull complete 
1200276ba71a: Pull complete 
be69453a0591: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:cf471949ca28b0ff1e475647669cea736e794357101328ee74bdc926f5729ff9
Status: Downloaded newer image for eclipse/che-mount:6.19.0

INFO: (che init): Installing configuration and bootstrap variables:
INFO: (che init):   CHE_HOST=
INFO: (che init):   CHE_VERSION=6.19.0
INFO: (che init):   CHE_CONFIG=/home/zaki/local/che
INFO: (che init):   CHE_INSTANCE=/home/zaki/local/che/instance
INFO: (che config): Generating che configuration...
INFO: (che config): Customizing docker-compose for running in a container
INFO: (che start): Preflight checks
WARNING: No swap limit support
         mem (1.5 GiB):           [OK]
         disk (100 MB):           [OK]
         port 8080 (http):        [ALREADY IN USE] 

ERROR: Ports required to run che are used by another program.


zaki@stilton:~$ sudo systemctl stop tomcat8.service


zaki@stilton:~$ sudo docker run -it --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v ~/local/che:/data -p 8000:8080 eclipse/che:6.19.0 start
WARNING: No swap limit support
INFO: (che cli): 6.19.0 - using docker 18.09.7 / native
WARN: Newer version 'rc' available
INFO: (che config): Generating che configuration...
INFO: (che config): Customizing docker-compose for running in a container
INFO: (che start): Preflight checks
WARNING: No swap limit support
         mem (1.5 GiB):           [OK]
         disk (100 MB):           [OK]
         port 8080 (http):        [AVAILABLE]
         conn (browser => ws):    [OK]
         conn (server => ws):     [OK]

INFO: (che start): Starting containers...
INFO: (che start): Services booting...
INFO: (che start): Server logs at "docker logs -f che"

ここまで来たら、ブラウザでVMにアクセスしてみる。 あれ?-pオプションの使い方間違ってるのかな…?

eclipse che



zaki@chaource:~$ mkdir local
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘local’: No space left on device
zaki@chaource:~$ df -h
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
udev            967M     0  967M   0% /dev
tmpfs           200M 1008K  199M   1% /run
/dev/sda2        20G   19G     0 100% /
tmpfs           997M     0  997M   0% /dev/shm
